Tips To Keep Students Happy During Home Learning

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Tips To Keep Students Happy During Home Learning

Online learning has become a trend in this modern world since the world has to adjust and accept that they cannot go out to explore and this learning is the only solution. As time passes and people are realizing that it is more content to just sit at home and interact with a bunch of people for the corporate meeting also during the national meeting. Where all the big and small decisions can take place over a zoom call. Despite all the arrangements, there are some of the things which cannot be done with the help of call and it affects the youth, especially the students. They face problems during the classes and ultimately leads to a lack of interest in the classes.

Problems faced by students during online classes

  • Internet connection strength: When every student is taking classes from all over the world it is very difficult is maintaining the stability of the internet connection. While taking the classes if the student misses any point in the topic it becomes very difficult to understand the rest of the points.
  • Conducting assessments: It is very easy to conduct an examination or any kind of assessment help but when it comes to online classes, the educators prefer to stick to the MCQ's and the question answers need to be subjective. It becomes very difficult to analyze all the answers by downloading them.
  • Restricting cheating instances: It is very easy to believe that there are very few students looking are looking for the hard way of success, by giving exams honestly. It is very easy to cheat as there is none to keep an eye on the students.
  • Online security: Some people are trying their level best to keep the privacy of the students but in this case when the teacher conducts classes with the help of free applications like Zoom or Google classroom. There are chances that your privacy gets disturbed.
  • Monotony: No matter how much we try to take interest in online assignment classes but sitting in front of the desktop or the laptop is quite difficult and filled with boredom. Hence the student loses interest in the online classes.

How to make learning interesting

Leverage their interests as learning opportunities

It is very important to put interest and engagement into something to make it easy for the students. Generally, the teachers need to make sure they take care of the interest of the students. For example, if the student is interested into some specific field to keep giving them the example of those things.

Make learning social

If the students are learning through an online educational platform it is not necessary to keep it boring and solo. Infect the students should learn to socialize while learning. Therefore, it is important to keep the students engaged in the classes.

Let them have a say in their learning

Learning has to be both ways, generally, during the classes, it is a teacher who speaks and the students listen but in reality, the students should get the chance to put up the question and bring their quarry.

Link learning to the world outside

The students need to stay connected to the outside world while learning through an online platform. Learning can take place through the internet but practical knowledge is equally important and it will encourage the students to learn more.

Stay active

Major role is played by physical activity as the children do not get the chance to go out and interact with people and eventually become addicted to bed and watching Netflix. In that case, it is important to keep the kids active by organizing simple activities.


In the above article we have learned about how parents can help the students to study by making it more interesting so that the students can learn while doing all kinds of fun.